PT. TT Metals Indonesia Karawang
Panggilan PT. TT Metals Indonesia Ini sebenarnya sudah sering banget tetapi bayu saya posting,hhehe saya kira sudah saya posting ternyata belum,... PT. TT Metals Indonesia ini biasanya panggilan buat operator forklift dan operator produksi,, panggilan hanya yang sesui kriteria tidak semua di panggil alamt ada di kawasan kiic depan pt toyota,,,,Menurut saya perusahaan ini termasuk gaji yang besar,,,karena perusahaan otomotif suplai ke toyota,,, bagi yang punya sio silahkan bikin lamaran email dan kirimkan ke alamat email PT. TT Metals Indonesia di postingan paling bawah.
Panggilan Tanggal 24-05-2016
Panggilan Tanggal 24-05-2016
Company Profile
Toyota Tsusho Metals Ltd. specialise in futures and options trading in
the non-ferrous metals market and precious metal market. We are an
Associate Broker Clearing Member (Category 2) of the London Metal
Exchange and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Our
involvement on the Exchange spans two decades, during which time Toyota
Tsusho Metals Ltd. has provided a tailored service catering for the
ever-increasing needs of our international clientele.
We are a wholly owned subsidiary of Toyota Tsusho Corporation located in Nagoya, Japan. Our London Head Office is located in the City of London close to The London Metal Exchange itself.
Directors (London) Takuya Suehiro – Director / Senior Executive Officer
Paul Marney – Director
Directors (Japan) Takeo Fujihara – Director
Toyota Tsusho Markets Japan –
The London Metal Exchange –
Toyota Tsusho Corporation –
PT. TT Metals Indonesia Jl. Permata Raya Lot FF-4B Kawasan Industri KIIC Karawang–Jawa Barat 41361
Alamat Email PT. TT Metals Indonesia Karawang,